What does a cyber security analyst do?
I Have been hired as a cyber security analyst for a particular large financial institution. My task is to ensure the network of the company should be secure and free of security threats. How can I describe the daily responsibilities and key tasks of a cyber security analyst in this role?
In the context of cyber security, here are some tasks or the daily responsibilities given which a security analyst must follow:-
Monitoring and analysis
A security analyst should monitor the network traffic, security logs, and system alerts regularly.
# Example of using Splunk SDK for Python to query security logs
Import splunklib.client as client
# Connect to Splunk instance
Service = client.connect(host=’your_splunk_host’, port=8089, username=’your_username’, password=’your_password’)
# Define search query
Search_query = ‘index=security_logs source=* | stats count by source_ip’
# Execute search query
Search_results = service.jobs.create(search_query)
# Process and analyze search results
For results in search_results:
# Perform analysis on security events
Incident response
A security analyst must investigate incidents, triage alerts, and respond to security breaches so that he or she can mitigate the risk.
# Example of incident response workflow
Def incident_response(alert):
If alert.severity == ‘High’:
# Perform immediate investigation and response
Elif alert.severity == ‘Medium’:
# Prioritize and schedule investigation
# Monitor and track for any further developments
Vulnerability management
A security analyst must conduct regular vulnerability tests to minimize the risk factor.
# Example of conducting vulnerability assessment
Def conduct_vulnerability_assessment():
Vulnerabilities = assess_network_vulnerabilities()
Security awareness training
A security analyst must develop and deliver a security awareness training program to educate employees about security best practices
# Example of developing security awareness training program
Def develop_security_training():
Topics = [‘Phishing Awareness’, ‘Data Protection’, ‘Password Management’]
Documentation and reporting
A security analyst must document security incidents, investigations, and remediation action taken.
# Example of documenting security incidents
Def document_security_incident(incident):
# Example of generating security report
Def generate_security_report():
Incidents = fetch_recent_incidents()