What is cyber security and ethical hacking?

280    Asked by Dadhijaraj in Cyber Security , Asked on Mar 6, 2024
Answered by Csaba Toth

 In the context of Cybersecurity, there is always a chance of threat. A threat Is any potential danger or even risk that can affect negatively your confidentiality, integrity, or even availability of information or system. For example, consider a scenario where your system had detected that there is a possibility of a particular Malware that is affecting your system. Then you can mitigate this particular issue by using this particular approach.

Here Is a sample Python programming language script given by which you can detect the malware and even remove it from your system:-

Import os
Import subprocess
# Function to scan for malware using antivirus software
Def scan_for_malware():
    # Use antivirus command line tool to scan the system
    Result = subprocess.run([‘antivirus_tool’, ‘-scan’, ‘/path/to/workstation’], capture_output=True, text=True)
    Return result.stdout
# Function to remove malware from the system
Def remove_malware():
    # Use antivirus tool to quarantine or delete infected files
    Subprocess.run([‘antivirus_tool’, ‘-remove’, ‘/path/to/infected/file’])
# Main function
Def main():
    # Scan for malware
    Scan_result = scan_for_malware()
    Print(“Scan result:”, scan_result)
    # If malware is detected, remove it
    If “Malware detected” in scan_result:
        Print(“Malware detected. Removing…”)
        Print(“Malware removed successfully.”)
        Print(“No malware detected.”)
If __name__ == “__main__”:

Ethical hacking can play a crucial role in maintaining Cybersecurity. Therefore, there is a hard-core relationship between ethical hacking and cybersecurity. Ethical hacking term refers to the act of hacking which is done to safeguard the system against the possible threat to your system and data. Thus, it is like an antivirus system that helps in mitigation of the possible threats and negative hacking.

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