Which is better among test scripts vs test cases?

630    Asked by AbhinavPillai in Cyber Security , Asked on Feb 15, 2022

I know that test cases are written in human readable language, whereas test scripts are written in code and mostly done for automated testing.

But can anyone tell me what else makes them different from each other?

Is there any logical difference between them or are these interchangeable terms?

Answered by Ranjana Admin

I am expecting all answers must be aligned, But there is a difference between test script vs test case.

  1. 0User[Non-technical] readable steps are mentioned to test particular scenario is called as Test Case
  2. User[Technical] readable steps written in programming language are referred as Test Script

Test Case : A test case is a documentation which specifies input values, expected output and the preconditions for executing the test. [Reference - ISTQB book] This terminology mostly used for Manual Testing

Test Script: A test script in software testing is a set of instructions that will be performed on the system under test to test that the system functions as expected. This terminology mostly used for Automation Testing

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