Why is the 32 character hash not considered an md5 hash?

631    Asked by amit_2689 in Cyber Security , Asked on Mar 24, 2022

This string, when dropped into hash detection tools, is not being identified as a hash. As far as I knew, an md5 has was a 32 digit string with hex numbers. Everything below is hex. So what other rules does md5 have that prevent this from being a hash? 8019ed9fa0c5d1c36c7ef3a4e931205368da339079331Here is just one example of an ID failure for this string:


"Your hash may be one of the following : Sorry we cannot identify your hash.."

Answered by Andrew Jenkins

It's not a 32 character hash. It's 45. That's 180 bits, not the 128 bits you expect from md5.

You can see this easily in a monospace font:
(The lower hash is the md5sum of an empty string)

Apart from that it's important to realise that a hex number is just another number. Most hashes don't carry any metadata in the hash identifying the algorithm or what kind of number it is.

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