A user has data of stock prices of weekdays of two companies GOogle and Microsoft.Now he wants to build a matrix by giving dimension of weekdays names and the company names.How to do that?

750    Asked by DavidWHITE in Data Science , Asked on Dec 12, 2019
Answered by David WHITE

Let us assign all the stock prices to a vector

goog <- c(450,451,452,445,468)

msft <- c(230,231,232,236,228)

Now let us build a matrix

stocks <- c(goog,msft)

stock.matrix <- matrix(stocks,byrow=TRUE,nrow=2)

Now let us name the dimension

days <- c('Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri')

st.names <- c('GOOG','MSFT')

colnames(stock.matrix) <- days

rownames(stock.matrix) <- st.names

Now finally let us display the matrix


We get the following matrix

     Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

GOOG 450 451 452 445 468

MSFT 230 231 232 236 228

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