How can I append rows to an R data frame
Don’t know how add a row to a dataframe in r.
You can quickly append one or more rows to a data frame in R by using one of the following methods: Method 1: Use rbind() to append data frames. Method 2: Use nrow() to append a row.
Consider a dataSet i.e cicar(present under library MASS)
In order to load the dataset type following commands in R console
So you have loaded dataset, cicar which is as follows:
Sex Bwt Hwt
1 M 3.0 7.0
2 F 2.0 8.4
3 F 1.0 9.5
To add new Row
1) First create new row for dataFrame
> nRow <- data.frame(Sex=’F’,Bwt=2.1,Hwt=8.1)
>cicar <- rbind(cicar,nRow)