How can I approach choosing between local or centralized for the docker image location?

262    Asked by DanielCameron in Data Science , Asked on Dec 12, 2023

I am a member of a development team that is working on handling a microservices-based architecture. How can I decide whether to use a local or centralized repository for the process of storing docker images in a location? 

Answered by Dhananjay Singh

 In a field like data science the decision of choosing between a docker image-centralized approach vs a local approach depends on several factors.

Centralized Repository

The centralized repository such as the docker hub offers you functions such as easy sharing, versioning, and access control of docker images. It is known for simplifying the distribution process of images and providing a single source of truth. This approach is very much beneficial in terms of multiple services when need access to the same image version.

#pushing an image to the docker hub
Docker tag local_ image_ name user name/ repository_ name: tag
Docker push user name/ repository_ name: tag
Local storage within the serJava repository

If you utilize the approach locally in terms of docker image location then you can gain more autonomy and control over each service team. It also ensures that the specific services should have required image versions alongside their codebase. However, it can also lead you to version mismatches in some circumstances such as not managing properly.

# building a docker image and storing it locally
Docker build – t image_ name: tag.

The decision of choosing between these two approaches might depend upon the frs such as deployment strategies, team sizes, collaboration needs, versioning control, and speed of deployment. So before choosing between, you should consider all these factors.

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