How can I filter out NA values in R?

402    Asked by Unnatigautam in Data Science , Asked on Jan 9, 2024

I am assigned a particular task which is about analyzing databases which includes handling datasets with values that are missing or NAs. I need to pre-process the data and I want to perform operations on a particular column while excluding the missing values. Explain the steps for me to filter out NA values from my database in R. 

Answered by Unnati gautam

For the process of filtering out NA in R for your particular data analytics project, you can use functions such as “na.omit()”, “complete.cases()”, or even utilize the direct subsetting. Here is the explanation given along with the coding analogy:-

By using na.omit()

# Assume ‘data’ is your dataset and ‘column_name’ is the specific column

  Cleaned_data <- na.omit(data[, column_name])

This particular function would remove the rows with any NA values in the column in which you want to create a cleaned subset of the dataset.

By using complete.cases()
# Assume ‘data’ is your dataset and ‘column_name’ is the specific column
Cleaned_data <- data[complete.cases(data[, column_name]), ]
This above function identifies the rows with the complete classes in the specified column.
Direct Subsetting
# Assume ‘data’ is your dataset and ‘column_name’ is the specific column
Cleaned_data <- data[![, column_name]), ]

This above method would directly subset your particular dataset.

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