How can I use “%>%” in R programming?

365    Asked by AryanTandon in Data Science , Asked on Nov 30, 2023

 I am assigned a task in which I have to analyze a dataset that contains information about the performance of students in various subjects. How can I use “%>% in r” for fulfilling the following conditions:-

  1. Filtering the students who scored more than 80 marks in mathematics.

  2. Selecting the columns for “studentID”, “Math Score” and “science Score”

  3. The average score of students in the subjects of science and maths.

  4. Sort the average score in the descending order.

Answered by Chloe Burgess

 In R programming the %>% in r function is also known as the pipe operator. It is mainly used in the scenario where you need to chaining operations together. It allows you a cleaner and more readable coding for passing the result. Here are the example coding for your given situations and conditions:- 

# Assume ‘dataset’ is the name of the dataset containing student performance information


# Chaining operations using %>%
Result <- dataset %>%
  Filter(Math_Score > 80) %>%
  Select(StudentID, Math_Score, Science_Score) %>%
  Mutate(Average_Score = (Math_Score + Science_Score) / 2) %>%
# View the resulting dataset
Therefore, by using this code you can chain the “dplyr” together.

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