How can I use the COUNTIF function of Excel for the occurrence of cells based on specific keywords?

I have been assigned a specific task which is related to using an Excel spreadsheet. In this particular task or project, I need to implement the COUNTIF function with partial text matching to complete the process of counting the occurrence of cells that contain specific keywords within a larger dataset. How can I use the COUNTIF function of Excel for this particular task? 

Answered by Daniel Cameron

In the context of the Excel database if you want to implement the COUNTIF function for counting cells that contain specific keywords by using partial text matching, then you can use the following formula:-

  =COUNTIF(range, “*keyword*”)

You can replace “range” according to your actual range in which you want to count your cells. You can also replace “keyword” with your actual keyword on which basis you want to count cells. The *(asterisks) acts as a wildcard character which allows you to gain partial matches.

For example, you can consider a scenario where you want to count the cells from A1 to A100 that contain the specific keywords or partial text “example”. Then the formula looks like the following:-

  =COUNTIF(A1:A100, “*example*”)

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