How to add line plots to ggplot2 in a loop?

2.1K    Asked by SuhaniRodrigues in Data Science , Asked on May 1, 2020
Answered by Suhani Rodrigues

We can define the data that is used in a ggplot layer with the data argument:

pl = pl + geom_line(data = df, aes(x = x, y = y), linetype = lt, colour = co)

If data is not specified it will assume that the layer is actually the same each time so it will only show the most recent one. We can test it with following code:


dat <- list(

  data.frame(a = 1:5, b = 8:12),

  data.frame(a = 11:15, b = 18:22),

  data.frame(a = 21:25, b = 28:32)


p <- ggplot()

i <- 1

while(i <= length(dat)) {

  df <- dat[[i]]

  p <- p + geom_line(data = df, aes(a, b))

  i <- i + 1



It will give result something like this

Your Answer

Answer (1)

This code demonstrates how to use the data argument in ggplot2 to define different datasets for each layer in a plot. By specifying data = df within geom_line(), each iteration of the loop adds a new line to the plot instead of overwriting the previous one. MyGreatLakes 

However, there is a small issue: the final P should be lowercase (p) to properly display the plot.

This approach is useful when plotting multiple datasets dynamically while ensuring each layer retains its own data. Nice example!


5 Hours


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