How to create a function to create K values with train and test accuracy in R

1.0K    Asked by DorineHankey in Data Science , Asked on Dec 18, 2019
Answered by Nitin Solanki

Let us create an empty list which will contain the training and testing accuracy and the respective k values. The following code will generate the k values along with the training and testing accuracy.

The k values will be ranging from 3 to 200 with a step size of 2.

test_acc <- NULL

train_acc <- NULL

for (i in seq(3,200,2))


  train_glass_pred <- knn(train=training_set,test=test_set,cl=training_set[,10],k=i)

  train_acc <- c(train_acc,mean(train_glass_pred==training_set[,10]))

  test_glass_pred <- knn(train = training_set, test = test_set, cl = training_set[,10], k=i)

  test_acc <- c(test_acc,mean(test_glass_pred==test_set[,10]))


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