How to force merge git?

1.6K    Asked by DianeCarr in Data Science , Asked on Jul 31, 2023

There is a branch named demo that needs to be merged with the master branch. The below-mentioned commands can give the output:

Git pull origin  demo

Git checkout  master

Git merge demo

Git push origin master

When there are merge issues, git can overwrite changes in the master branch without offering merge prompt. Hence alterations in the demo branch must automatically overwrite changes in the master branch.

Answered by Elizabeth Clarke

The following command can be used to force merge git:

Git fetch origin # update all our origin/* remote-tracking branches
Git checkout demo
git merge -s ours branch
git checkout master
git emerge -s ours origin/master
Git merge -s ours branch
Git push origin master.
These commands can overwrite the demo branch.

Also there is no method to merge without fixing the conflicts. You can verify the version from any of the branch you are merging through git checkout – ours or git checkout – theirs . If you are on the master branch merging in staging:

Git checkout master
Git merge staging
 Git displays various conflicts:


You can run the command to keep the version of on the master branch.

    Git checkout – ours You can include the master branch to the index to tag it as resolved. Git add

The process can be repeated for every file you wish to erase from the emerge. After completion, commit using the following code:

Git commit -m “some_msg”

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Your Answer

Answers (2)

To force merge a branch in Git, you typically use the git merge command with the --no-ff (no fast-forward) and --no-commit options. This allows you to perform the merge and resolve any conflicts manually before committing the merge. Here are the steps:

Checkout the Branch to Merge Into: First, ensure you are on the branch that you want to merge changes into. For example, if you want to merge changes into the main branch, you would do:

git checkout main

Merge the Branch: Next, merge the branch you want to merge into the current branch. Use the --no-ff and --no-commit options to prevent a fast-forward merge and to prevent Git from automatically committing the merge:

git merge --no-ff --no-commit 

Replace with the name of the branch you want to merge into the current branch.

Resolve Conflicts (if any): If there are any merge conflicts, Git will stop and indicate the conflicted files. You'll need to manually resolve these conflicts by editing the conflicted files. After resolving conflicts, mark them as resolved by staging the changes using git add.

Commit the Merge: Once you've resolved all conflicts and staged the changes, you can commit the merge:

git commit

This will open your default text editor where you can provide a commit message for the merge. Save and close the editor to complete the commit.

Push the Changes (if needed): Finally, if you want to push the merged changes to a remote repository, you can do so:

git push

This will push the changes to the remote repository.

It's important to exercise caution when using force merge, especially in collaborative environments, as it can potentially overwrite others' changes without proper review. Always communicate with your team before performing force merges to ensure everyone is aware of the changes being made.

5 Months

It's important to note that automatically overwriting changes without offering a merge prompt can result in potential data loss if not carefully managed. It's recommended to exercise caution when using this approach and ensure that you have a backup of any important data or changes before performing the merge. Prepare to embark on an epic adventure into the depths of Tomb of the Mask, a game that will test your bravery and intellect.

6 Months


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