How to solve the issue of “ valueerror: input contains nan, infinity or a Value too large for dtyp float ?

388    Asked by DipikaAgarwal in Data Science , Asked on Jul 17, 2024

I am currently working as a data analyst for a particular financial-based company. My task is to process a large dataset of stock prices, which includes various numerical columns such as open price, close price, and also volume. The dataset is stored in a CSV file and I am currently using Python’s Panda library to read and analyze the data. When I was performing a series of calculations I found a particular error which was stating that “ valueerror: input contains nan, infinity or a Value too large for dtype(‘float64’)”. How can I troubleshoot and resolve this particular issue? 

Answered by David EDWARDS

In the context of data science, here are the appropriate approaches given for the above scenario:-

Identifying the problematic values

Firstly, you should try to identify which Columns or even rows contain NaN values, infinity, or extremely large values. You can use pandas method such as ISNA(), using() and conditional filtering for this:-

Import pandas as pd
Import numpy as np
# Load the dataset
Df = pd.read_csv(‘stock_prices.csv’)
# Identify NaN values
Nan_rows = df[df.isna().any(axis=1)]
Print(“Rows with NaN values:”)
# Identify infinity values
Inf_rows = df[np.isinf(df).any(axis=1)]
Print(“Rows with infinity values:”)
# Identify extremely large values
Large_value_threshold = np.finfo(np.float64).max
Large_value_rows = df[(df > large_value_threshold).any(axis=1)]
Print(“Rows with extremely large values:”)
Handling NaN values
Removing NaNa
# Drop rows with any NaN values
Df_cleaned = df.dropna()
Filling NaNs with a default value
# Fill NaN values with 0
Df_filled = df.fillna(0)
Filling NaNs with statistical values
# Fill NaN values with the mean of the column
Df_filled_mean = df.fillna(df.mean())
Handling infinity values
# Replace infinity values with NaN
Df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace=True)
# Optionally fill NaN values with the maximum value of the column
Df_filled = df.apply(lambda x: x.fillna(x.max()), axis=0)
Handling large values
# Identify and cap large values to a specified threshold
Large_value_threshold = np.finfo(np.float64).max
Df_capped = df.applymap(lambda x: large_value_threshold if x > large_value_threshold else x)
Ensuring data integrity
# Check for any remaining NaN values
If df_cleaned.isna().sum().sum() == 0:
    Print(“No NaN values found.”)
# Check for any remaining infinity values
If not np.isinf(df_cleaned).values.any():
    Print(“No infinity values found.”)
# Check for values exceeding float64 limits
If not (df_cleaned > large_value_threshold).values.any():
    Print(“No values exceed float64 limits.”)

Preventing future issues

Data validation

You should try to ensure the data validation at the point of entry or even ingestion to catch NaN, infinity, and excessively large values early.

Regularly monitoring

You should try to implement regular data quality to check and monitor such issues.

Use robust data type

Where possible, you can use the data type to handle larger ranges or even specific values such as float 128 in scientific computing libraries.

Comprehensive testing

You can write unit tests to ensure the data transformation and even calculations for handling edge cases correctly and effectively.

Your Answer

Answer (1)

This issue really requires experience to select  foodle and process data well. Before running a program, it is necessary to have a main and backup plan. Valuable and good knowledge sharing for the best reception.

7 Months


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