In a given data, when a function is used a user receives the following error.
Siblings Children Gender Survival
1 Y Y F Y
2 N Y M N
3 Y Y M Y
4 N N F N
5 Y N F N
6 N Y F N
7 Y Y M N
8 Y Y M Y
9 Y N F Y
10 Y Y F N
11 Y N M N
The following function and the error is given below
fit <- rpart(Survival ~ Gender + Children + Siblings,
data = data1, method = "class")
The error is because the data is not enough for R to display something meaningful.
In such case, the fancyRpartPlot function from the rattle package works better with smaller data sets:
The below code can help fix the problem
fit <- rpart(Survival ~ Gender + Children + Siblings,
data = data, method = "class",
control = rpart.control(minbucket=2))
fancyRpartPlot(fit, sub=NULL)
The code gives the following results