What are the remedial actions to push the model towards the ideal region?

990    Asked by GayatriJaiteley in Data Science , Asked on Nov 5, 2019
Answered by Gayatri Jaiteley

Models with either high bias or high variance error components do not produce the ideal fit. Hence, some makeovers are required to do so. In the following diagram, the various methods applied are shown in detail. In the case of linear regression, there would be a high bias component, meaning the model is not flexible enough to fit some non-linearities in data. One turnaround is to break the single line into small linear pieces and fit them into the region by constraining them at knots, also called Linear Spline. Whereas decision trees have a high variance problem, meaning even a slight change in X values leads to large changes in its corresponding Y values, this issue can be resolved by performing an ensemble of the decision trees.

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