What is information extraction in the field of NLP, why is it important and how it affects our daily life?

986    Asked by NishimuraAsato in Data Science , Asked on Jan 2, 2020
Answered by Nishimura Asato

In our daily life, Google plays a big role, we rely heavily on it for any kind of query search. Whether it's for academic purposes or professional purposes or you need to make any new dish. We just turn to Google for every kind of question.

Ever wonder how in the world Google process our unstructured queries and returns and accurate answer,

Like if I type what is the time, it shows the time of the city I am currently in without asking further questions, here information extraction (IE) comes into play.

Information extraction is the basic and fundamental part of NLP and linguistics. Its mainly used in questioning and answering systems, machine translation, extraction of different entities and their relationships, extraction of events and etc.

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