What is the meaning of chmod 777 in the context of Linux system?

223    Asked by DelbertRauch in Data Science , Asked on Nov 14, 2023

I have a doubt regarding the understanding of the impact of using chmod 777 on my files. Can you dive into the important and key features of chmod 777 for me? Tell me also its relation with Linux and Unix operating systems.

Answered by Delbert Rauch

The chmod 777 is a type of command in the context of a Linux system. Not just in Linux it is also related to the Unix system. It is a command that is used to setting of the permission, especially for granting full access privileges to files and directories. When the user uses this specific command it means this setting will provide read, write, and execute permissions to the file and directory for all the owners, groups, and users. 

The “7x denotes the full permission regarding all types of access such as reading writing and executing of the files. However, using chmod 777 command can be also dangerous as it can cause of security threat. Since all users will get permission to access your files, it means they can do illegal work with your personal data and directory. Therefore, it is necessary to use it properly cautiously, and smartly.

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