What is the replacement length of items in Rstudio?

903    Asked by BellaBlake in Data Science , Asked on Feb 25, 2021
Answered by Bella Blake

The error which you are getting advises that are a number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length utilize the accompanying code for instance:

## create a matrix that is 6 rows and 2 columns

mat <- matrix(1:12, 6,2)

## try to replace first column with a vector of length 3

## works fine because 6 is a multiple of 3

mat[,1] <- 1:3

## try to replace first column with a vector of length 5

## Fails because 6 is not a multiple of 5, try the same exception.

mat[,1] <- 1:5

## number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

Subsequently, you need to rethink your application articulation. Try storing the results in the list than in the matrix.

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