Benefits of monitoring & how it saves production environment.

1.1K    Asked by MichaelRobinson in Devops , Asked on Dec 28, 2019
Answered by Michael Robinson

Imagine a production environment over 200 servers operational at a time, enabling monitoring on these servers enhances the capability of getting info like “Service impact”, server health (like - CPU usage, memory, hard disk usage, etc.) and to take necessary actions before the server crashes down. Such actions minimize server Crashdown and ensure maximum uptime of running applications.

Also, via various plugins a vast variety of websites or applications checks can be enabled which enhances top-notch quality of running services.

For eg -: let’s say a website used “payment gateway” as a part of its sub-service and entire website is UP but only the payment part is not working (let’s say - due to bad database connection), via basic check the status of such website will come “ok” but let us think that Nagios check is enabled on the database connectivity then Nagios will trigger an alarm stating like “DB connection failing to payment gateway” which can be checked before receiving complaints from end-users.

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