Describe the significance of git revert commit in git.

453    Asked by ChrisDyer in Devops , Asked on Nov 7, 2023

I recently made changes in one of my git repositories, however now I badly need to get back or undo the specific commit even without affecting the whole project. I have heard about the git revert commit but not sure of how to use it. How can I use this to fix my problem?

Answered by Danilo Guidi

The git revert commit is a type of command which is basically used in git. It is a powerful tool that is used in creating a new commit that undoes the changes done by the original commit. It acts like another command such as git undo operations, however, git revert is a non-destructive command. It means it preserves the commit history.

 Git creates a new commit that contains the inverse changes of a specified commit. This command allows you to maintain a clear and unchanged history so that whenever you need your reversal you can get it as documented. One thing you should remember is that there may be conflict arising during the revert process if the changes conflict with other commits. If you want to resolve this specific problem it requires manual intervention to ensure the effective application of the revert.

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