Git - Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit
I am new to git and working on it.
I added some files in git :
git addgit add
then I wanted to push that for review, but mistakenly I did
git commit
so the files which I have changed don't go for reviews.
Now if I enter the command :
git status
Getting massage:
# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
I want to revert that commit and I want to push those files for review rather than commit. Can anyone let me know how I can do that?
You cannot push anything that hasn't been committed yet. The order of operations is:
Make your change.
git add - this stages the changes in the file for committing
git commit - this will commit your staged file locally and now be tracked by git.
git push - this will push your committed changes in a file to a remote repo
If you push without committing, nothing gets pushed. If you commit without adding, nothing gets committed. If you add without committing, nothing at all happens, git merely remembers that the changes you added should be considered for the following commit.
The message you are seeing (your branch is ahead by one commit) means your native repository has one commit that hasn't been pushed yet.
In other words: add and commit are local operations, push, pull and fetch are operations that interact with a remote.
Since there seems to be an official source control workflow in a place where you work, you should ask internally how this should be handled.
Note :
The message you're getting (your branch is ahead by 1 commit) means that your local repository has one commit that hasn't been pushed yet.