How can I create a folder in GitHub?

124    Asked by DavidPiper in Devops , Asked on Jun 26, 2024

 I am currently engaged in a particular task related to working on GitHub. I have been assigned to organize the project files into different folders for better clarity and management. Explain to me how can I create a new folder named “Resources” directly within the GitHub repository to store the documentation and related materials. Describe the steps that should I take to create a folder in GitHub. 

Answered by Colin Payne

Here are the steps given for how you can create a folder in GitHub:-

Navigate to the repository

Firstly, try to open your web browser and then log into your GitHub account. Then try to navigate to the repository where you want to create a new folder.

Access the code section

Now try to click on the repository and name to enter it. You should try to ensure that you are on the “code” tab which is typically the default view.

Start the file creation

Now you can click on the “add file” button which is located above the file list. Now try to select the “create new file” menu. This option would allow you to both create a new file and a specific new folder path.

Specify the folder and file name

In the name of your file option, you can type your file name. GitHub requires you to create a file within the new folder as a folder can not be empty.

Add file content

You can add the contents to the file if needed, or you can leave it Blank if it is a placeholder. However, it is a good practice to add a brief note which would indicate that this is a placeholder.

Complete the creation

Now you can click on the “commit new file” button for finalizing the creation of the new folder and file.

Here is a java based example given below of how you can create a folder and upload a file in GitHub:-

Import okhttp3.*;

Import org.json.JSONObject;
Import java.util.Base64;
Public class GitHubFolderCreator {
    Private static final String GITHUB_API_URL =;
    Private static final String REPO_OWNER = “your-username”;
    Private static final String REPO_NAME = “your-repo”;
    Private static final String TOKEN = “your-personal-access-token”;
    Private static final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        Try {
            String folderPath = “Resources”;
            String fileName = “”;
            String fileContent = “This is a placeholder file for the Resources folder.”;
            // Create the folder by uploading a file to it
            createFolderWithFile(folderPath, fileName, fileContent);
        } catch (IOException e) {

    Private static void createFolderWithFile(String folderPath, String fileName, String fileContent) throws IOException {

        String fullPath = folderPath + “/” + fileName;
        String base64Content = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(fileContent.getBytes());
        JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
        Json.put(“message”, “Create “ + folderPath + “ with “ + fileName);
        Json.put(“content”, base64Content);
        RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(json.toString(), MediaType.get(“application/json”));
        String url = GITHUB_API_URL + “/repos/” + REPO_OWNER + “/” + REPO_NAME + “/contents/” + fullPath;
        Request request = new Request.Builder()
                .header(“Authorization”, “token “ + TOKEN)
        Try (Response response = client.newCall(request).execute()) {
            If (!response.isSuccessful()) {
                Throw new IOException(“Unexpected code “ + response);
            System.out.println(“Folder created and file uploaded successfully.”);

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