How can I delete unnecessary branches in GitHub?

264    Asked by DanielCameron in Devops , Asked on Nov 27, 2023

I am a software developer and was working on a project but then I was encountered with a scenario where I had accidentally created an unnecessary branch in a GitHub repository. Now, I want to delete this particular unusual branch. Walk through the steps to delete this unusual branch safely. 

Answered by Delbert Rauch

To delete or remove an unwanted, unusual branch in the context of the GitHub repository, start by navigating to the local repository by using the command line. You can use the following command to GitHub delete branch locally:-

To delete or remove an unwanted, unusual branch in the context of the GitHub repository, start by navigating to the local repository by using the command line. You can use the following command to GitHub delete branch locally:-

‘’git branch – d branch name’.

If you encounter a situation where there are unmerged changes you might need to force delete by using the command ' git branch – d branch name’. If you want to delete the branch in the particular repository then use ' git push origin – delete branch_ name’. Moreover, you can also combine both local and remote deletion of the branch in GitHub by using the command ' git push origin: branch_ name’. Do not forget to ensure that you are on a different branch before starting the process of deleting the current branch.

By using this technique you can easily delete your branch from both the local environment and the remote GitHub repository. Follow the DevOps certification training course for more knowledge.

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