How can I rename my docker image?

574    Asked by Bhaanumatishukla in Devops , Asked on Jan 17, 2024

 I have a docker image whose name is “web-app:v1” for my particular web-based application. I want to change the name of my particular docker to “web-app:V2” due to some updates. How can I use the docker command to achieve this image renaming process? 

Answered by Charles Parr

In the context of DevOps, if you want to rename your docker images, then you can directly do it, however, you can create a new image with the desired name and tag, and then you can remove the old image. Here is the example given of how you can approach it for this particular objective:-

# Tag the existing image with the new name and version
Docker tag web-app:v1 web-app:v2
# Remove the old image (optional, if you want to clean up)
Docker rmi web-app:v1

In this above-given command, the “docker tag” is used for the creation of a new image tag which points to the existing image. This will effectively rename the image to the new name and version. The “docker rmi” is an optional element that is used in removing the old image. You should be very cautious during implementing this particular optional command as it will delete the old image permanently once you have deleted it. Therefore, you can skip this particular function.

Your Answer

Answer (1)

Retro Bowl To rename the Docker image from web-app:v1 to web-app:v2, you can use the docker tag command to create a new tag. First, run the command docker tag web-app:v1 web-app:v2 to assign a new tag to the current image. Then, if you don't need to keep the old tag, you can delete it using the command docker rmi web-app:v1. After completing these two steps, you will have the image with the new name web-app:v2.

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