How can I rename the docker image?

315    Asked by Unnatigautam in Devops , Asked on Dec 5, 2023

I am currently managing a dockerenvironment that consists of multiple containers. One of its critical components is deployed by using an image named “myapp: latest” however, due to a recent update I need to rename this image to “myapp:V2”. How can I rename this docker image without affecting the production deployment?

Answered by Unnati gautam

 If you want to apply docker rename images then you can follow several steps:-

1. Tag the existing image by using the command

“ docker tag myapp:latest myapp:V2”

Thus above command will create a new tag for the same image ID as “myapp:latest”

2. Push the Renamed image to a registry

The second step after tagging the existing image is pushing the renamed image to a registry by using the command

“docker push my app:V2”

3. Test the renamed image

Ensure that the renamed image is working properly or not before making changes in production. You can check it by using the command

“docker run myapp:V2

4. Update the deployment configuration

After checking the work of the renamed image you can modify your deployment to reference the new image tag to “myapp:V2” instead of “myapp:latest”

5. Deploy the changes

In the end, you can deploy the updated configuration in your production related to the environment.

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