How can I solve the issue of manifest merger failing with multiple errors see logs?

464    Asked by AmyAvery in Devops , Asked on Jan 8, 2024

When I was developing an Android-based application, I encountered an error message which was showing “Manifest merger failed with multiple errors, see logs” while attempting to build my project. How can I solve this particular issue? 

Answered by Unnati gautam

In the context of DevOps, if you are getting the error message “manifest merger failed with multiple errors see logs” during web development, then you can solve this particular issue by using several points:-

Checking manifest file

Firstly, check the AndroidManifest.xml file to ensure that there are any conflicting elements such as duplicate permission. If there are such things then try to remove those.

Review Error Logs

Check for the messages that are provided by Android Studio. Then after identifying the conflicts that are mentioned in the message or logs to understand the elements that are causing the failure of merge.

Use Tools For Conflict Resolution

You can use several tools such as manifest merger in Android Studio to assist in Identifying and even resolving the conflicts automatically. You can manually solve the conflicts by specifying the appropriate attributes.

Dependency conflict

If the issue persists then try to review the dependencies in your project. You can utilize gradle dependency management to exclude or align the conflicting versions.

Gradle configuration

Do not forget to check your gradle configuration. Ensure the compatibility between gradle and plugin versions.

Here is the example given to showcase the solution to your particular issue:-

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