How can I structure a Docker file for copying files in the appropriate container?

237    Asked by Aalapprabhakaran in Devops , Asked on Dec 22, 2023

 I am building a Docker image for the development of a web application that requires specific configuration files, images, and scripts that are scattered across a wide range of directories. How can I structure the Docker file to effectively copy these multiple files into the right location within the container? 

 In a DevOps context when you want to effectively perform docker file copy multiple files, then you can achieve this particular target by using the following Instance:-

# Start from a base image
FROM some_base_image:tag
# Create a directory in the container
RUN mkdir -p /app/config
# Copy multiple files into the container
COPY config/file1.txt config/file2.txt /app/config/
COPY images/* /app/images/
COPY scripts/ /app/scripts/

This above docker snippets the approach or method for copying files in the appropriate container. In the above command, you can adjust your paths and directories according to your requirements for the project and the structure of the directories.

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