How can I troubleshoot or delete the mistakenly merged branch into the main branch?

128    Asked by ColinPayne in Devops , Asked on Jun 3, 2024

There is a scenario where I am working on a collaborative software development project with a team. One of my team members accidentally merged a future branch into the main branch. However, it was not ready for production. What steps should I take to troubleshoot this particular issue, including the deletion of the mistakenly merged branch? 

Answered by David WHITE

 In the context of DevOps, here is how you can handle this particular scenario:-

Identifying the mistakenly merged branch

You should first use the “git” log command for Identification of the commit where the mistaken merge occurred. You can also review the commit message and the changes to pinpoint the merged commit.

Undo the merge

Once you have recognized the merge commit you can use the “git revert” command to undo the merge commit and then create a new particular commit that undoes the changes introduced by the merge commit.

Pushing the changes

After completing the process of reverting the merge locally now you would need to push the changes to the remote repository to update the main branch.

Delete the mistakenly merged branch

Finally, you can delete the branch which was mistakenly merged by using the command “git branch -d”.

If the process of branch deletion fails due to the unmerged changes then you can force delete it by using the “-D”.

Here is the coding structure Given for each the above steps:-

# Step 1: Identify the Mistakenly Merged Branch
# List all commits to find the merge commit
Git log
# Step 2: Undo the Merge
# Revert the merge commit using its hash (e.g., abcdefg)
Git revert -m 1 abcdefg
# Step 3: Push Changes to Remote
# Push the changes to the main branch in the remote repository
Git push origin main
# Step 4: Delete the Mistakenly Merged Branch
# Delete the branch that was mistakenly merged (e.g., feature-branch)
Git branch -d feature-branch
Here is an example given of a java program which can use the JGit library to perform the steps of undoing a mistaken merge and deleting the mistakenly merged branch in a bit repository programmatically:-
Import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
Import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
Import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
Import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.TextProgressMonitor;
Import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider;
Public class GitBranchOperations {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        String localRepoPath = “/path/to/local/repository”;
        String remoteUrl =;
        String username = “your_username”;
        String password = “your_password”;
        String mergeCommitHash = “abcdefg”; // Replace with actual merge commit hash
        String mergedBranchName = “feature-branch”; // Replace with actual branch name
        Try {
            // Open the local Git repository
            Repository repository = openRepository(localRepoPath);
            // Undo the merge commit
            undoMerge(repository, mergeCommitHash);
            // Push changes to remote repository
            pushChanges(repository, remoteUrl, username, password);
            // Delete the merged branch
            deleteBranch(repository, mergedBranchName);
            // Close the repository
        } catch (Exception e) {
    Private static Repository openRepository(String localRepoPath) throws Exception {
        File repoDir = new File(localRepoPath);
        If (!repoDir.exists()) {
            Throw new Exception(“Local repository not found at: “ + localRepoPath);
    Private static void undoMerge(Repository repository, String mergeCommitHash) throws GitAPIException {
        Git git = new Git(repository);
    Private static void pushChanges(Repository repository, String remoteUrl, String username, String password) throws GitAPIException {
        Git git = new Git(repository);
                .setCredentialsProvider(new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider(username, password))
                .setProgressMonitor(new TextProgressMonitor())
    Private static void deleteBranch(Repository repository, String branchName) throws GitAPIException {
        Git git = new Git(repository);

Here is an example given of a python script that would use the GitPython library to perform the steps of undoing a mistaken merge and then deleting the mistakenly merged branch in a gut repository programmatically:-

From git import Repo, GitCommandError

Def main():
    Local_repo_path = “/path/to/local/repository”
    Remote_url =
    Merge_commit_hash = “abcdefg” # Replace with actual merge commit hash
    Merged_branch_name = “feature-branch” # Replace with actual branch name


        # Open the local Git repository
        Repo = Repo(local_repo_path)
        # Undo the merge commit
        Undo_merge(repo, merge_commit_hash)
        # Push changes to remote repository
        Push_changes(repo, remote_url)
        # Delete the merged branch
        Delete_branch(repo, merged_branch_name)
    Except GitCommandError as e:
        Print(“Error occurred:”, e)
Def undo_merge(repo, merge_commit_hash):
    Repo.git.revert(“-m”, “1”, merge_commit_hash)
Def push_changes(repo, remote_url):
    Origin = repo.remote(“origin”)
Def delete_branch(repo, branch_name):
    Repo.git.branch(“-D”, branch_name)
If __name__ == “__main__”:

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