How can I troubleshoot the issue of ng’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file?

1.1K    Asked by ChloeBurgess in Devops , Asked on Jan 4, 2024

I have been assigned a task which is related to setting up an angular development environment on my machine when trying to implement the angular command line interface command. During the workflow, I encountered an error message which showed “ ng is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file”. How can I solve this particular issue for seamless workflow? 

Answered by bhagwati dubey

In your provided scenario in the context of DevOps, when you get the error message “ng’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file” then it means that the Angular command line interface is not properly installed or set to its path.

Here is the step given of how you can solve this particular issue:

Verify Angular command line interface installation

Open the terminal or prompt of command.

Then run the command “ng--- version”

If there is an angular command line interface already the command will show the result by displaying its version information. If there is not then you need to install it by running the command “ mom install -g @angular/CLI”

Checking the variables of the environment

Ensure that the command line interface of angular is installed in the appropriate path in your system’s PATH Value.

Restarting the terminal or command prompt

After making the changes in environment variables, close the terminal or command prompt and then reopen to ensure the changes take effect.

Reinstall the Angular command line interface

Sometimes the technique of reinstalling the angular command line interface works for avoiding these particular issues.

Checking Node.js installation

Ensure that the node.js is installed properly. It is so because the Angular command line interface Heavenly relies on node.js. You can verify the installation of node.js by using the command “node--- version”

Permission and accessing

There are also might be issues of permission and access. Therefore, ensure that you have granted all permission and access to run the program.

Your Answer

Answer (1)

If you're seeing the error "'ng' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file" while trying to run Angular CLI (ng), don’t worry—here’s how you can fix it:

1. Why Does This Error Happen?

  • Angular CLI is not installed globally or is missing.
  • npm or node is not installed correctly.
  • The system can’t find ng because it's not in the system PATH.
  • You're running the command in the wrong directory.

2. How to Fix It?

 Step 1: Check If Angular CLI Is Installed


  npm list -g @angular/cli

 If it’s not installed, install it globally:

  npm install -g @angular/cli

 Step 2: Verify Node.js and npm Are Installed

Check if Node.js and npm are installed correctly:

node -v
npm -v

 If these commands fail, install Node.js from

 Step 3: Ensure Angular CLI Is in the System PATH

Try running:

where ng   # (Windows)
which ng # (Mac/Linux)

 If it doesn’t return a path, you may need to add it manually:

Open Environment Variables in Windows.

Add C:UsersYourUsernameAppDataRoaming
pm to the System PATH.

 Step 4: Run ng in the Correct Directory

If you're inside a project folder, make sure you're in the right directory:

cd your-angular-project
ng serve

3. Final Thoughts

  •  Reinstall Angular CLI if needed.
  •  Ensure Node.js and npm are installed and configured correctly.
  •  Add npm’s global path to your system variables.

1 Week


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