How can I use API to expand the services to external developers?

177    Asked by DelbertRauch in Devops , Asked on Nov 29, 2023

I am the leader of a technical team that works on a software development project so that my company can grow its services to external developers through API. How can I use the API in order to streamline the process of exposing these APIs?

Answered by Daniel Cameron

 If you want to expand the services of your company to external Developers then APIM or API are the best resource you have for this specific purpose. Here are the basic examples given using Python and Flask in order to create a simple API:-

Step 1 Create An API Endpoint
From Flask import Flask, jsonify
App = Flask(__name__)
# Define an endpoint for developers to access your service
@app.route(‘/api/v1/hello’, methods=[‘GET’])
Def hello():
    Return jsonify({‘message’: ‘Hello, developer! Welcome to our API.’})
If __name__ == ‘__main__’:
Step 2 Run the flask server by using
“ python your_file_
Step-3 Acess the API by using HTTP GET requests
“/api/ v1/ hello

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