How can I use Buildx for enhancing multi-platform build capabilities?

253    Asked by DeirdreCameron in Devops , Asked on Nov 28, 2023

How can I utilize Docker Buildx in order to enhance the multi-platform build capabilities for my specific application, considering the need for various architectures and platforms? 

Answered by Dhruv tiwari

In order to gain an efficient multi-platform Docker buildx can extend the capabilities of Docker’s build. To utilize it, you can start by creating a builder instance by using the “docker buildx create”.l command. You can specify the platforms such as Linux and ARM.

You should utilize the context of Builder in order to gain seamless integration of Buildx into your existing docker workflow. During the execution of the builds, you can incorporate the “–platform” float for the purpose of target-specific architectures. This will further ensure your containerised application which will be compatible with diverse platforms. Utilize the Buildx features such as parallel in order to build and enhance efficiency especially when dealing with multiple architectures. Moreover, you can exploit the build cache in order to optimize the build and reduce overall build times. Here are the steps given:-

Step 1: Install buildx via
‘docker buildx install’
Step 2: Create a builder instance:-
‘docker buildx create – name mybuilder – use’
Step 3: Build the image:-
‘docker buildx build – platform linux/amd64, linux/ arm64 -t my- image : latest.
Step 4: Push the multi platform image:-
‘docker buildx build – platform linux/ amd64, linux/ arm64- t myregistry/my- image: latest –push
Step 5: Inspect the builder:-
‘’docker buildx inspect mybuilder – bootstrap

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