How can I use git add to delete files of the git repository?

186    Asked by DanielBAKER in Devops , Asked on Dec 13, 2023

I have multiple files in a repository related to git and I need to delete some specific files to maintain the integrity of my history in the repository. For this particular purpose, how can I use the “git add” command? 

Answered by Ranjana Admin

Within a DevOps context, management of the deletion of the files in the git repository includes several considerations during the process. Here is the combined structure given to illustrate the work process by using “git add delete files” within a DevOps workflow:-

# Assuming you’re in the repository directory
# Delete the file (e.g., file_to_delete.txt)
Git rm file_to_delete.txt
# Stage the deletion
Git add file_to_delete.txt
# Commit the changes with a descriptive message
Git commit -m “Deleted file_to_delete.txt”
# Push changes to the remote repository
Git push origin

After deleting the file you should not forget to push these committed changes to the remote repository. For this particular process, you can use the command “ git push”. This command will further ensure that your committed changes, including the file deletions, are synchronized with the central repository.

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