How can I use Jinja2 for writing conditional coding?

110    Asked by DavidPiper in Devops , Asked on Jul 1, 2024

I am currently engaged in a particular task that is related to working on a web-based application that displays a profile of a user. I need to show different messages which should be based on whether the user has provided an email address or not. How can I use the Jinja2 templating for writing the code for displaying the following messages:

      • If the user has provided an email address, display “Your email is (user email)
      • If the user has not provided an email address, display, “You have not provided your email address”. 
Answered by Dominic Poole

 In the context of DevOps, in the Jinja2, conditional statements such as if-else are generally used to flow of logic within the templates. This can allow you to render different HTML content based on the evaluation of expressions. The “if” statement can check whether a condition is “true” and if so, it would implement the block if code that is associated with it. If the condition is false then the else block is executed instead.

Here is a scenario given that would demonstrate how you can display different messages based on whether the email value exists or not:-

{% if %}
  Your email is {{ }}.
{% else %}
  You have not provided an email address.
{% endif %}

Here is also a java based example given below:-

Public class User {
    Private String email;
    // Constructor
    Public User(String email) { = email;
    // Getter for email
    Public String getEmail() {
        Return email;
    // Main method
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create User objects
        User userWithEmail = new User(;
        User userWithoutEmail = new User(null);
        // Display messages based on whether email is provided
    // Method to display message based on email
    Public static void displayEmailMessage(User user) {
        If (user.getEmail() != null && !user.getEmail().isEmpty()) {
            System.out.println(“Your email is “ + user.getEmail() + “.”);
        } else {
            System.out.println(“You have not provided an email address.”);
Here is also a Python based example given below:-
Class User:
    Def __init__(self, email=None): = email
    Def get_email(self):
Def display_email_message(user):
    If user.get_email():
        Print(f”Your email is {user.get_email()}.”)
        Print(“You have not provided an email address.”)
Def main():
    # Create User objects
    User_with_email = User(
    User_without_email = User()
    # Display messages based on whether email is provided
If __name__ == “__main__”:

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