How do you use “Kubernetes get service accounts” to get service accounts?

306    Asked by Diyatomar in Devops , Asked on Jul 3, 2024

I am currently managing a Kubernetes cluster and I have been alerted that a particular application is failing to authenticate itself against the other services in the cluster. I suspect that the issue is related to the service account that is being used by the application. How can I use the “Kubernetes get service accounts” command to identify the associated service account associated with the application and how can I verify its Configuration? 

 In the context of DevOps, here are the steps given:-

Identify the service account

You can use the “kubectl get pods” to list all the pods and then identify the one associated with your particular application.

Describe the pod

You can use the “kubectl Describe pod” to get detailed information about the pod.

Listing service account

You can use the “kubectl get service accounts” to list all the service accounts in the namespace.

Describe the service account

You can use the “kubectl Describe service account” to get detailed information about the service account.

Verifying the RBAC permission

You can use the “kubectl get rolebindings “ and “kubectl get clusterrolebindings” to check the role bindings for the service account.

Inspect the tokens and secret

You should try to verify that the service account has the correct tokens and secret for authentication.

Checking service account token

You can use the “kubectl describe secret” to inspect the token that is associated with the service account.

Here is the combined coding given for the above steps:

# Define the namespace and pod name
# Get detailed information about the specified pod
Kubectl describe pod $POD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE
# Extract the service account name from the pod description
SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(kubectl get pod $POD_NAME -n $NAMESPACE -o jsonpath=’{.spec.serviceAccountName}’)
# Verify the service account exists
Kubectl get serviceaccount $SERVICE_ACCOUNT -n $NAMESPACE
# Get detailed information about the service account
Kubectl describe serviceaccount $SERVICE_ACCOUNT -n $NAMESPACE
# Check for role bindings associated with the service account
Kubectl get rolebindings -n $NAMESPACE | grep $SERVICE_ACCOUNT
# Check for cluster role bindings associated with the service account
Kubectl get clusterrolebindings | grep $SERVICE_ACCOUNT
# List secrets related to the service account
Kubectl get secrets -n $NAMESPACE | grep $SERVICE_ACCOUNT
# Extract the name of the secret associated with the service account token
SECRET_NAME=$(kubectl get serviceaccount $SERVICE_ACCOUNT -n $NAMESPACE -o jsonpath=’{.secrets[0].name}’)
# Get detailed information about the secret
Kubectl describe secret $SECRET_NAME -n $NAMESPACE

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