How does the git undo last commit method work?

494    Asked by BernadetteBond in Devops , Asked on Nov 8, 2023

I have been stuck in encountering a situation of undo last commit in the context of git. How should I manage it? Provide me with some git commands which can solve my specific problem.

Answered by Chloe Burgess

 In git “git undo last commit” is a process or method which is used with options like –soft’ and –mixed’. While –soft’ is used to undstage the changes on the other hand –mixed’ is used to unstage and keep changes. The other approach is ‘git revert’. This specific tool is used to create a new commit that inverses the last changes of the last commit.

For example, ' git reset HEAD’ undoes the last commit. On the other side ‘git revert HEAD’ will create a new commit by reverting the last commit. ‘reset’ is the command which is used to modify the commit history. It may cause loss of data while revert maintains the history. It maintains the history by adding the inverse commit.

If you are backing up your work regularly then you will need git revert for sure. It prevents data losses or disruption in shared repositories.

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