How to log into the web_server running container easily?

399    Asked by ChrisDyer in Devops , Asked on Nov 29, 2023

 I am a DevOps engineer and my work is to manage a docker environment under this I need to access the log files of a running container named “web_server” to diagnose the issues. How can I log into the “web_server” easily? 

Answered by Bernadette Bond

In order to access docker log into running container named web_server, and follow several steps:-

Identify the container ID by using the command:-

  “docker ps”

Follow the above command to get the location of the container named web_server and its ID or name.

Access the container logs by using the command:-

  “ Docker logs web_server”

This above command will retrieve the logs from the container of “web_server”.

  Tail the logs into real-time by using “-f” flag. Here is how you can do it:-     “Docker logs -f web_server”
Specify the timeframe of logs by using “—since” and “—until” flags:-
“docker logs – since= “2023-11-01T00:00:00” – until=” 2023-11-30T23:59:59” web_server

You can replace the timestamps according to your requirements.

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