How to set a version by using the task setvariable?

260    Asked by ChloeBurgess in Devops , Asked on Nov 27, 2023

In the pipeline of CI/CD, I encountered a scenario where I needed to set a version dynamically for my application by using the VSO task ' task. Setvariable'. What are some factors should I consider in deciding the name of variables and what should be the guidelines to use it properly in different stages of the pipeline?

During setting of a version number dynamically by using the ## VSO task. Setvariable variable, choosing the variable name which should be clear such as ‘version number’ is important and very crucial. If you want to maintain the consistency across stages then set the variable in the starting or initial stage by using the task. Setvariable and then you should reference it in the subsequent stages. However, proper scraping is necessary for the whole process. Do not forget to decide whether the variable should be accessible throughout the pipeline or it is just approaching specific sources. Here is a coding structure given by which you can set a version by using the VSO Task ‘set variable’

  vmImage: ‘windows-latest’
Script: |
    # Execute a command to set the version dynamically
    Echo “##vso[task.setvariable variable=AppVersion;]1.0.$(Build.BuildId)”
  displayName: ‘Set Application Version

Therefore by using the above techniques and precautions, you can easily manage to set a version dynamically for your application. If you want to gain more knowledge about it then you should join the DevOps certification training course.

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