How to solve the issue of pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files in git?

1.6K    Asked by CharlesParr in Devops , Asked on Dec 14, 2023

I am currently working with a team that is working on a particular project using git, and while attempting to pull changes from the remote repository, we as a team facing an error that indicates “pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files”. How can I troubleshoot this particular issue without losing any work done? 

Answered by Chris Dyer

Here is the solution given in the context of DevOps for your particular issue of “pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files”:-

Identify unmerged files first by using the command

      “git status”

Inspect the causes of conflicts

Look for the markers of conflict (“<<<<<<”, “======”, “>>>>>>”) that indicate the conflicting changes.

Resolve the conflicts manually by editing them. Keep the changes that you would require further and exclude those that are irrelevant.

Add changes by using the command

“git add ”

Complete the merge by using

      “git commit -m “Resolved merge conflicts”

Pull changes again from the remote repository by using

“ git pull origin ”

Push changes if there are no more conflicts by using

git push origin

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Your Answer

Answer (1)

When you encounter the error "Pulling is not possible because you have unmerged files in Git," it means that there are conflicts between the changes in your local repository and the changes in the remote repository. Here's how you can resolve this issue:

Stash Your Changes (Optional):

If you have local changes that you don't want to lose, you can stash them temporarily before resolving the conflicts:

  git stash

Pull Changes from Remote Repository:

Try pulling changes from the remote repository again:

git pull

This will attempt to merge the changes from the remote repository into your local branch.

Resolve Conflicts:

If there are conflicts during the merge process, Git will notify you about the conflicting files. You need to manually resolve these conflicts by editing the files. Open each conflicted file in your code editor and look for markers indicating the conflicting sections. Resolve the conflicts by deciding which changes to keep, then save the files.

Add and Commit Changes:

After resolving the conflicts, stage the resolved files for commit:

git add

Replace with the path to each resolved file.

Complete the Merge:

Once you have resolved all conflicts and staged the resolved files, complete the merge by committing the changes:

git commit -m "Merge conflicts resolved"

Push Changes:

After successfully resolving the conflicts and committing the changes, push the merged changes to the remote repository:

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