How to troubleshoot and resolve updating app code and Docker files?

356    Asked by asutos_8102 in Devops , Asked on May 27, 2024

I am a DevOps engineer and I am responsible for maintaining a microservices-based application deployed by using the docker-compose. Recently, a developer updated the application code and also made changes to the “Dockerfile” for one of the services to improve its performance. However, after pulling the latest changes from the repository and then again starting the containers of the Dockers, I noticed that the application is still running the old version of the service. How can I solve this problem? 

Answered by Celina Lagunas

 In the context of DevOps, you can ensure that the docker composes rebuild the service with the latest changes from the docker file and the application code by using the “build” flag with the “docker- compose up” command. This would force the docker to compose to rebuild the images even if they already exist.

Here is the specific command would be:-

  “docker -compose up- - build”

By using the specific command, the docker command would rebuild the images for all the services as defined in the “docker -compose.yml” file l, incorporating any changes in the docker file and the application code. This would ensure that the running containers should reflect the latest updates. If you only want to rebuild a specific service then you can specify the name of the service name as well.

  “docker-compose up - - build

For Instance, if the updates service is named “web” then you can run:-

  “docker-compose up- - build web”

This particular command would force the rebuild of the web service which would ensure that the latest code and docker files should be changed including in the running containers.

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