I am not able to open git upload pack error in eclipse while cloning or pushing git repository.

352    Asked by Aashishchaursiya in Devops , Asked on Jul 25, 2023

I am unable to clone and push to a git repository at Bitbucket in Eclipse. The error message shows ‘cannot open git-upload-pack’

While deploying git commands for importing the project, it works but I wish to utilize EGit to do the task, as I am new to git. I am not sure if this is compatible. However, in that directory I psosess the android-adt-bundle. This works fine but the project is on GitHub but not on Bitbucket. I am dealing with a person who can find and push data from the Bitbucket repository. I cannot find a solution to this problem.

Answered by Dan Peters

When you are unable to open git upload pack, create the SSH key stuff. You must download and install mysys git as per the GitHub guidelines. In C:/Users/you/ssh conceal the present keys in the subdirectory. When the ssh directory is missing, make it. Your username is you since the operating system is conscious about you. Run Git-bash command shell and create an rsa key based on the email: ssh-keygen-t rsa -C “you@wherever.com” and insert the passphrase and assure when asked.

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