Mapping For/ Error, So You Are Seeing This As A Fallback” During The Development Of a Project?

387    Asked by Daminidas in Devops , Asked on Jan 18, 2024

 I have been assigned a specific task which is related to developing a particular project. When I was going through with the workflow I encountered an error message that was showing “This application has no explicit mapping for/ error, so you are seeing this as a fallback”. How can I solve this particular issue? 

Answered by Charles Parr

 In the context of DevOps, if you are getting the error message or issue of “ this application has no explicit mapping for/ error, so you are seeing this as a fallback”, then here are the steps or points given of how you avoid this particular issue by troubleshooting it:-

Check controlling Mapping

Try to ensure that you have a controller class with a method incorporated with “ @RequestMapping”. For example:-

Public class MyController {
    Public String handleUrlRequest() {
        // Your logic here
        Return “viewName”;

Verification of Configuration

Ensures that your application has the right Configuration system or not such as @ComponentScan or @SpringBootApplication for scanning and recognizing your controller class.

Public class YourApplication {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Checking URL in browser

Also ensure that your URL is correct or not. It should be accessible as sometimes the incorrect URL can cause this issue.

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