Ow to use “kubectl get context” to check my current context?

355    Asked by DavidEdmunds in Devops , Asked on Jul 2, 2024

I am a DevOps engineer and I am currently managing multiple Kubernetes clusters for a particular company. I have set up the context to easily switch between different clusters and namespaces for the different environments, such as development, staging, and production. I need to verify which Kubernetes context is currently active so that I can ensure that I am making changes in the correct environment. How can I use Kubectl to get context to check my current context and confirm that I am in the desired cluster and namespaces? 

Answered by David WHITE

In the context of DevOps, you can determine your current Kubernetes context so that you can ensure that you are working in the desired environment by using the following command:

“kubectl config current context”

This particular command will output the name of the currently given context.


Kubectl config current-context

Here are the steps given of how you can verify the details of the current context:

Getting detailed information

You can get more details about the current context such as the cluster and user information by running:

  “kubectl config view - - minify”

This command would provide a detailed information of the active context:

$ kubectl config view –minify
apiVersion: v1
    Server: https://my-cluster.example.com
  Name: my-cluster
    Cluster: my-cluster
    User: my-user
  Name: my-cluster@development
Current-context: my-cluster@development
Kind: Config
Preferences: {}
Name: my-user
    Token: …
Switching the context
If you want to switch to a different context then you can use the kubectl config use the context command:
“kubectl config use -context ”
Here is the example given below:
$ kubectl config use-context my-cluster@production
Switched to context “my-cluster@production”.
Here is a detailed Java example given below which would demonstrate how you can use the kubectl command to manage the Kubernetes contexts programmatically. This particular example would use java for implementing the kubectl command and parse their output. Here is the example given below:
Import java.io.BufferedReader;
Import java.io.IOException;
Import java.io.InputStreamReader;
Public class KubernetesContextManager {
    Public static void main(String[] args) {
        KubernetesContextManager manager = new KubernetesContextManager();
        // Get current context
        String currentContext = manager.getCurrentContext();
        System.out.println(“Current Context: “ + currentContext);
        // Get details of the current context
        String contextDetails = manager.getContextDetails();
        System.out.println(“Context Details:
” + contextDetails);
        // Switch to a different context
        String newContext = “my-cluster@production”; // Replace with your target context
        Boolean switched = manager.switchContext(newContext);
        If (switched) {
            System.out.println(“Switched to context: “ + newContext);
        } else {
            System.out.println(“Failed to switch context.”);
     * Executes a command and returns the output as a String.
     * @param command The command to execute.
     * @return The output of the command.
    Private String executeCommand(String command) {
        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
        Process process;
        Try {
            Process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
            String line;
            While ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        Return output.toString().trim();
     * Retrieves the current Kubernetes context.
     * @return The current context as a String.
    Public String getCurrentContext() {
        String command = “kubectl config current-context”;
        Return executeCommand(command);
     * Retrieves the details of the current Kubernetes context.
     * @return The details of the current context as a String.
    Public String getContextDetails() {
        String command = “kubectl config view –minify”;
        Return executeCommand(command);
     * Switches to a specified Kubernetes context.
     * @param context The name of the context to switch to.
     * @return True if the switch was successful, false otherwise.
    Public boolean switchContext(String context) {
        String command = “kubectl config use-context “ + context;
        String output = executeCommand(command);
        Return output.contains(“Switched to context”);

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