Platforms on which docker was & is now available.

1.1K    Asked by JaneFisher in Devops , Asked on Nov 15, 2019
Answered by Jane Fisher

Previously docker can only be used on lx/ux base host OS (like Linux, MacOS etc.) as its way of working (sharing base OS kernel and binaries) can only suffice in such environments but now its available on windows also.

Docker uses or shares host binaries to launch isolated process known as containers and hence it becomes easy for Lx/Ux based systems as sharing kerner resources and binaries is much easier than it happens in windows. After sometime docker was launched in windows also but the docker engine i.e. dockerd keeps running on a base lx/ux image installed over virtual box. Hence, docker was available for windows but still lx/ux acts as middle man. Now in latest release docker shares kernel resources from windows also in same way as it does for lx/ux based hosts.

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