SQLite string contains other string query . What are the data types in SQLite?

482    Asked by Aalapprabhakaran in Devops , Asked on Jul 17, 2021

How do I do this?

For example, if my column is "cats, dogs, birds" and I want to get any rows where a column contains cats?

Answered by Hien Castanon

 If the commit (that you need to return) is known and you want that to attach with the head of some branch then use:

git checkout

And also you can see the commits that your HEAD has previously pointed to by using:

git reflog

For the latest versions of git, if you had done any checkouts something to moving your HEAD

You can also do:

git checkout -

This will take you back to the previous checkout. Thus, you can go back to the latest commits after checking out a previous commit.

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