How do I format date and time on ssrs report?

4.3K    Asked by SarahLee in Devops , Asked on Jul 15, 2021

I've tried this = FormatDateTime(Now,"MM / dd / yyyy hh: mm tt) "on SSRS page, but it doesn't work for me to make an error. Please help me with expression. I want output shown in this way 12/4/2013 12:05. How ssrs formatdatetime?

Answered by Suzanna Hinojos

The first approach to Format Data and Time in SSRS Report

option, a new Text Box Properties window will be opened. Please select the Number tab and then date category. Our report preview is displaying the Hire date in the same format. Our report preview is displaying the Hire date in the same format.


    =Format(Now(), "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt")


04/12/2013 05:09 PM

Your Answer

Answers (2)

Formatting date and time in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) is crucial for displaying data in a readable format. If your report is showing raw date-time values (like 2024-01-28 14:30:00.000), here’s how you can format them properly:

1. Use SSRS Expression Builder

  • In SSRS, you can format date and time directly within a text box using expressions.
  • Select the text box where your date field is displayed, then use an expression like this:

  =Format(Fields!YourDateField.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy")

  • Common formats you can use:
  • MM/dd/yyyy → 01/28/2024
  • dd-MMM-yyyy → 28-Jan-2024
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss → 2024-01-28 14:30:00
  • hh:mm tt → 02:30 PM

2. Change Format in Text Box Properties

  • Instead of writing expressions, you can format the field directly:

  1. Right-click on the text box that displays the date.
  2. Click Text Box Properties.
  3. Under the Number tab, select Date and choose your preferred format.
  4. Click OK to apply the changes.

3. Format Date in SQL Query (Before Sending to SSRS)

If you prefer, you can format the date in your SQL query itself:

  SELECT FORMAT(GETDATE(), 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt') AS FormattedDate

This method is useful if you want consistent formatting across different parts of your report.

4. Handle Null or Blank Dates

If your date field may contain NULL values, prevent errors by handling them in expressions:

  =IIF(IsNothing(Fields!YourDateField.Value), "N/A", Format(Fields!YourDateField.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy"))

This will display "N/A" if no date is available.

Final Thoughts

By using SSRS expressions, text box properties, or formatting at the SQL level, you can ensure your date and time values appear correctly in your reports. Let me know if you need a specific format!

1 Month

In SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), you can format date and time values in your report using expressions and built-in functions. Here's how you can format date and time on an SSRS report:

Using Expressions in Textboxes:

Click on the textbox containing the date or time value that you want to format.

  =Format(Fields!YourDateTimeField.Value, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")

Replace YourDateTimeField with the name of your date and time field.

By using expressions and format properties, you can customize the display of date and time values on your SSRS report according to your requirements.

Right-click and select "Expression" from the context menu.

In the Expression dialog box, use the appropriate formatting function to format the date or time value. For example:

To format a date: Format(Fields!YourDateField.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy")
To format a time: Format(Fields!YourTimeField.Value, "HH:mm:ss")

Click OK to apply the expression.

Using Format Property:

Select the textbox containing the date or time value.

In the Properties window, locate the "Format" property.

Click the ellipsis (...) button next to the Format property to open the Format dialog box.

Choose the desired date or time format from the list or customize the format using custom formatting options.

Click OK to apply the format.

Custom Formatting:

If the built-in format options don't meet your requirements, you can use custom formatting.

For example, you can use custom format strings like "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" to display the date and time in a specific format.
Here's an example of a custom format string to display date and time in the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" format:
10 Months


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