The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge, but I don't care

41.9K    Asked by NakamuraMatsumoto in Devops , Asked on May 22, 2024

On my branch, I had some files in .gitignore

On a different branch, those files are not.

I want to merge the different branch into mine, and I don't care if those files are no longer ignored or not.

Unfortunately, I get error: the following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge as shown below:

The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge

How would I modify my pull command to overwrite those files, without moving or deleting those files myself?

Answered by Jordan Duncan

The reason of getting this error:” the following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge” is that you’re not tracking the files locally but there might be a chance that the identical files are tracked by the remote.

So the pull is forcing your system to overwrite the files which are not version controlled. For this you can use:

git add * 
git stash
git pull

These commands will track all the files and remove all changes in files on your local system. And get the files from the server.

Your Answer

Answers (2)

If you encounter the error “The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge” in Git, it means there are untracked files in your working directory that conflict with files in the branch you’re merging. If you’re certain these untracked files are unnecessary and don’t mind losing them, you can force Git to proceed with the merge.

Here’s how you can handle it:

Steps to Resolve the Issue:

1. Remove Untracked Files:

Use git clean to delete untracked files and directories:

  git clean -f

If untracked directories are causing the issue, include the -d flag:

  git clean -fd

For a preview of what will be removed, run:

  git clean -n

2. Force the Merge:

After cleaning untracked files, proceed with the merge:

  git merge 

3. Bypass the Warning with checkout or merge:

If you want to forcibly overwrite untracked files during the merge:

  git checkout -f 

Or use the --force option with the merge command:

  git merge --force 

4. Add Untracked Files to .gitignore (Optional):

If these files are generated dynamically (e.g., build files), add them to .gitignore to avoid future conflicts.

Important Notes:

  • Be cautious: Using these commands will permanently delete untracked files. Double-check before proceeding.
  • Always back up important data to avoid accidental loss.

This approach ensures your merge continues without being blocked by untracked files!

1 Month

When encountering the message "The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge, but I don't care," it indicates that there are untracked files in your working directory that would be overwritten if you proceed with the merge operation. If you're certain that you don't need these untracked files or that their content can be safely replaced, you can force the merge to proceed and overwrite these files. To do so, you can use the --force or -f flag with the merge command. For instance:

  git merge --force 

However, it's crucial to exercise caution when using the --force option, as it can lead to irreversible changes. Make sure to review the untracked files carefully and ensure that overwriting them won't result in any loss of important data.

11 Months


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