What is the degree of multiprogramming?

300    Asked by Bhaanumatishukla in Devops , Asked on Jan 4, 2024

 I have been recently assigned a task which is related to optimizing the performance of a computer system at a university. The particular system has multiple tasks like student registration, marking and grading, and research data analysis. These all works are running concurrently. How can I determine and manage the optimal degree of multiprogramming for this particular system for ensuring better utilisation of resources considering what is the degree of multiprogramming? 

Answered by Charles Parr

 In the context of DevOps, the degree of multiprogramming refers to the number of programs that can be included in the main memory of a computer system at a point in time. In other words, it is a fundamental measure of how many programs can be executed by your computer system concurrently.

In your case, if you want to manage the degree of multiprogramming then it includes optimizing the balance between utilization of resources and responsiveness of the system. It can be influenced by several factors such as the speed of the CPU, and the nature of tasks being performed.

Here is the example given to showcase how you can adjust the degree of multiprogramming:

Import time

Import multiprocessing

Def task(task_id):
    Print(f”Task {task_id} started”)
    Print(f”Task {task_id} completed”)
Def adjust_multiprogramming_degree(num_processes):
    Processes = []
    For I in range(num_processes):
        Process = multiprocessing.Process(target=task, args=(I,))
    For the process in processes:
# Example usage:

Adjust_multiprogramming_degree(3) # Adjust the number of concurrent processes here

In this above code, the particular function of “execute_tasks() simulates running tasks and then prevents the addition of newer tasks when the Memory limit is reached at its maximum height.

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