What is the difference between SRE and DevOps?

247    Asked by Bhaanumatishukla in Devops , Asked on Nov 24, 2023

 I am a part of an organization that was debating about whether to choose the traditional approach of ‘are’ or whether should they adopt a DevOps culture for the software development project. As a key member of the organization, I want to know how to navigate this decision-making considering its features. 

Answered by Danilo Guidi

 For deciding between the traditional approach of SRE vs DevOps in the context of your upcoming software development project, factors such as collaboration, speed, and the success of the project are very important factors. If you choose DevOps then you will gain a faster, modern approach to make your software development project easier within the due time. However, the traditional waterfall approach does have not quality such as speed, modernity, etc.

Moreover, DevOps can also provide you with automation and can lessen Manual errors so that you can gain efficiency during your whole work process. This can rapidly change itself according to the dynamic needs and requirements of the software. However, SRE has been a traditional approach and many developers love to utilize it. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate your time, collaboration of the team, and team skills in order to choose between the two.

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