As a C++ compiler which MinGW file to use.

101    Asked by JordanDuncan in Java , Asked on Jan 14, 2025

I have n number of executables files (.exe) in the bin folder of MinGW has both c++ .exe as well as  g++ .exe files. I don’t know which one to use for compiling C++, also which will be good to use for compiling C++ and how can I change the output file name from a.exe to a custom name automatically?

Answered by Mahaboob Alam

Firstly we need to find out is .exe an identical copy or a symbolic link, to find it we can use ‘--version’ command. To rename the output file we can use ‘-o flag’.

For example: g++ -o janbask_testfile.exe janbask_testfile.cpp

You can use the ‘g++’ compiler to compile C++ programs.

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